Keeping it Green

Forestry Services - Remote Helicopters

Forest ecosystems are one of the most important components of the biosphere. The helicopter is one of the most useful tools for maintaining healthy forests, allowing access to otherwise inaccessible areas while limiting environmental impact to sensitive ecosystems. We have the aircraft, expertise and equipment needed to support forestry operations ranging from wildfire suppression and reforestation to aerial surveying and wildlife management.

Wildfire Suppression

Remote Helicopters has provided aerial wildland firefighting services throughout North America for over 35 years. Our aircraft are outfitted with all the requirements for moving crews and equipment in any environment. Our aircraft are also equipped for delivery of fire suppressant utilizing vertical reference windows, water-buckets and belly-tank systems to ensure maximum precision. 

Our flight crews are prepared for virtually any operating environment. Their skills and experience, combined with satellite-based tracking and digital foam injection systems ensure safe, accurate and effective delivery of suppressant. 

Remote Helicopters is also equipped to conduct helicopter drip-torch operations. The helicopter drip-torch has proved to be an useful fire suppression tool on large project fires to manage fuel sources and the direction of the fire.

Whether conducting real-time fire mapping or ‘hot-spotting’ to locate critical target areas, our thermal imaging system with integrated video mapping capability will provide the information you need when you need it. This equipment is installed on our light helicopters, flown by experienced fire-fighting pilots and operated by our in-house, factory trained, thermographers providing maximum safety, efficiency and accuracy.   

Forest Management – Harvesting, Reforestation and Reclamation

Effective forest management is one of the primary tools used to ensure forests remain healthy, vibrant and sustainable. Whether providing support for isolated harvesting operations, supporting large-scale reforestation projects, or conducting routine regeneration surveys, Remote Helicopters has the equipment and expertise to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Our tablet-based mapping software combined with external load operational equipment ensure accurate delivery of various loads throughout multiple cut blocks safely and efficiently.   

During seasonal reclamation projects, our helicopter drip-torch has also proved to be a cost-effective, environmentally acceptable alternative to aerial spraying or mechanical brush removal.

Wildlife Management

Whether surveying or monitoring wildlife populations, retrieving tracking devices or assessing habitat, our helicopters offer many advantages to the field of wildlife management. Large areas can be surveyed efficiently and safely allowing biologists access to locations not reachable by road or trail. The low-level flight capabilities of a helicopter allow biologists to see animals that otherwise would be simply too far away to be spotted by other methods.

Our flight crew are experienced in a wide range of wildlife management operations in environments including the Prairies, Boreal Forest and the Rocky Mountains. From aerial surveys and telemetry tracking to fish stocking and collar retrieval, we will take the time to carefully plan each mission with a focus on safety and mitigating environmental impact and animal stress. 

Our aircraft are equipped with bubble windows to increase visibility, infrared cameras with integrated video mapping and tablet-based navigation software. We have the experience and equipment required to get the job done the right way. 

Aerial Seeding

Large wildfires can destroy huge areas of plant life resulting in significant erosion hazards. Aerial seeding is often used to spread different grasses and plants to vast areas of land that are in need of vegetative recovery after a wildfire. Aerial seeding can quickly and effectively reduce erosion hazards and suppress growth of invasive plant species. Aerial seeding is an effective alternative to other seeding methods where terrain is extremely rocky or at high elevations where areas would otherwise be inaccessible.

Contact us to discuss how our equipment and expertise can help reclaim and stabilize your forest management areas.